[ANSOL-geral] CDs, copying, etc
pedro mg
seti tquadrado.com
Sábado, 8 de Abril de 2006 - 04:09:17 WEST
Sex, 2006-04-07 às 21:34 +0100, Rui Miguel Silva Seabra escreveu:
> A minha opinião é que a partilha não comercial nunca deveria ser
> perseguida.
Em "Fair Use" na Wikipedia:
"Common misunderstandings
Because of the deliberate ambiguity of fair use, it is commonly
misunderstood. Here are some of the more common misunderstandings with
explanations of why they are wrong:
* It's copyrighted, so it can't be fair use. Fair use describes
conditions under which copyrighted material may be used without
permission. If a work is not copyrighted, it's in the public
domain and can legally be used without regard to fair use law.
* Noncommercial use is invariably fair. Not true, though a judge
may take the profit motive or lack thereof into account."
Em Copyright na Wikipedia:
"Copyright is a set of exclusive rights granted by governments to
regulate the use of a particular expression of an idea or information.
At its most general, it is literally "the right to copy" an original
creation. In most cases, these rights are of limited duration. The
symbol for copyright is ©"
"For example, the copyright which subsists in relation to a Mickey Mouse
cartoon prohibits unauthorized parties from distributing copies of the
Continuando, uma parte muito importante que diferencia das patentes:
"Copyright law covers only the particular form or manner in which ideas
or information have been manifested, the "form of material expression".
It is not designed or intended to cover the actual idea, concepts,
facts, styles, or techniques which may be embodied in or represented by
the copyright work. Copyright law provides scope for satirical or
interpretive works which themselves may be copyrighted. See
idea-expression divide."
Em Copyleft temos:
"Copyleft describes a group of licenses applied to works such as
software, documents, music, and art. Whereas copyright law is seen by
the original proponents of copyleft as a way to restrict the right to
make and redistribute copies of a particular work, a copyleft license
uses copyright law in order to ensure that every person who receives a
copy or derived version of a work can use, modify, and also redistribute
both the work, and derived versions of the work. Thus, in a non-legal
sense, copyleft is the opposite of copyright"
O autor é que deve decidir sobre qual a forma de licensiamento. Pode
optar por qualquer uma das várias formas de licensiamento. A liberdade
também está nisso. Mas se o autor opta pelo Copyright... então temos de
respeitar isso de acordo com as leis e talvez tentar convencê-lo a optar
por outro licensiamento.
Entre estas duas, socialmente o Copyleft é mais vantajoso para a
comunidade. Public Domain, Creative Commons, Share-alike,...
pedro mg
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