[ANSOL-geral]Proposta sobre SL do BE é considerada ameç
a pela m$
Diogo Miguel Constantino dos Santos
diogomcs arroba mail.pt
Thu Nov 28 17:41:01 2002
Estáva a ler um artigo sobre o FUD de uma organização crida pela m$,
para evitar que os governos optem por usár Software Livre e parece que
eles consideram o projecto de lei do BE uma ameaça :=)
Portugal - Preparation of Legislative Proposal - ISC Opposes
In late September, members of the left party coalition of the lower
chamber announced at a press conference their intention to submit a
proposal that would require all state institutions and agencies in which
the government is a majority shareholder to exclusively use OSS for
their information systems on the grounds that OSS is cheaper, safer and
more adaptable to user needs.
link para a noticia:
link para a organização da m$:
Fiquem bem!
Diogo Santos