[ANSOL-geral] Fwd: [Direccao] Your feedback on Free Software and IT
Marcos Marado
mindboosternoori gmail.com
Quarta-Feira, 9 de Outubro de 2019 - 10:35:56 WEST
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Max Mehl <max.mehl fsfe.org>
Date: Wed, Oct 9, 2019, 09:32
Subject: [Direccao] Your feedback on Free Software and IT security
To: Board of ANSOL <direccao ansol.org>
Dear Board of ANSOL,
People often say, Free Software is more secure than proprietary
software. But what may be the reasons? And is that actually true? We try
to answer these and more questions in the following weeks, and you can
contribute a great part with only 10 minutes of your time today.
In a survey, we would like to ask you to share your opinion on various
statements on IT security-related questions, rate different
argumentations and approaches the FSFE could use, and share information
we might have missed. Everyone is welcome to participate, no matter
which level of knowledge about Free Software, IT security or
programming. The survey takes ~10 minutes in average to be completed.
Apart from this survey, we interview experts in different connected
fields and discuss in different teams and working groups. Our goal is to
have a more clear and defined position, and to help people understand
the influence of Free Software on IT security.
The whole activity aims to answer the following broad questions:
1. What is the state of security in Free Software?
2. How can security in Free Software and its projects be improved?
3. How can Free Software contribute to security and safety in our
Your participation in the survey will help us understand the perception
of this topic within the FSFE community, and enable us to concentrate on
specific arguments and questions.
Thank you for your time!
Best regards,
Max Mehl - Programme Manager - Free Software Foundation Europe
Contact and information: https://fsfe.org/about/mehl | @mxmehl
Become a supporter of software freedom: https://fsfe.org/join
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