Re: [ANSOL-geral] Fraude eleitoral no voto electrónico no Rio de Janeiro

Jaime Villate villate
Segunda-Feira, 15 de Julho de 2013 - 17:38:13 WEST

On 15-07-2013 17:14, Andre wrote:
> Fraude eleitoral no voto electrónico no Rio de Janeiro
> O sistema brazileiro é baseado em máquinas correndo linux... 
Mas não é software livre:

"Political parties have access to the voting machine's programs before 
the election for auditing. There still remain some questions about the 
security of the electronic voting system, but no case of election fraud 
has been uncovered:

1. Critics argue that the voting machines do not produce receipt for the 
voter, nor maintain an internal paper based journal which would allow 
for vote auditing. This makes them highly dependent on trusting the 
software. The application program which verifies the internal integrity 
of the system is itself vulnerable to modification. An inspection by the 
City of Sto. Estevão, Bahia described the system of seals and closure of 
the machine as simple, and allowed easy access to the internal memory slot.

2. There is the possibility to violate the voting, because the voter 
number is typed in one machine which is connected to the voting machine, 
but it is not possible to know that it means that it is the same name 

3. Election workers could vote in place absent voters without their 
permission. However, as voting sections are composed of multiple workers 
drawn at random from the population as a means of preventing this type 
of fraud.", 3 de junho de 2013

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