[ANSOL-geral] "Munich mayor says switch to Linux is much cheaper and
has reduced complaints"
Bruno Miguel
brunoalexandremiguel gmail.com
Segunda-Feira, 2 de Abril de 2012 - 23:16:00 WEST
"Even taking into account the €2.08 million (£1.73 million) for
optimisation and test management that ended up on the balance of the
LiMux project, the LiMux system is cheaper than using a Windows
installation, Ude noted. Upgrading the Windows systems to a level
comparable to the LiMux infrastructure, including hardware needed to
run the software, would have cost the city at least €15.52 million
(£13 million), he said.
The mayor also noted that if a Windows infrastructure had been chosen,
the systems would have had to be upgraded every three or four years.
"Just the license costs for 10,000 PCs with current Windows and Office
licenses would be more than €2.8 million at the current time," Ude
explained, emphasising that for the LiMux project, that amount only
has to be paid once. "There are no license fees for Open Source
products, all new product versions are free of charge.""
O custo do projecto LiMux foi inferir aos custos de manutenção da
infra-estrutura Windows em Munique no ano de 2005. Ainda que a
diferença não seja muita, cada cêntimo faz a diferença. E, tendo em
conta os custos de licenciamento associados aos upgrades, a diferença
torna-se bastante grande.
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