[ANSOL-geral] Alguém conhece um formatopara ficheiros de vídeo que seja livre ?

Carlos Patrão cpatrao moredata.pt
Quinta-Feira, 22 de Julho de 2004 - 14:11:09 WEST


Também já tinha chegado ao Ogg, se bem que pelos sites que vi
(http://www.vorbis.com/ e http://www.xiph.org/) pareceu-me que o
projecto estava um pouco parado.


Rui Miguel Seabra wrote:
> On Thu, 2004-07-22 at 11:52 +0100, Carlos Patrão wrote:
> > Para música existem vários, mas para vídeo não me ocorre nenhum. Alguém
> > conhece algum ?
> Ogg/Theora
> Suportado por Helix Player (e subsequentes Real Players), mplayer, e
> outros livres.
> Existe também uma coisa chamada fluendo que ou já ou está quase a ser
> libertado das suas correntes:
> http://fluendo.com/press/releases/PR-2004-01.html
> Fluendo, GStreamer-based streaming media company, launched
> Fluendo funds Xiph.org Foundation for Theora development
> April 20, 2004 - Barcelona, Spain
> ________________________________________________________________________
> This press release marks the official launch of Fluendo, a company
> dedicated to creating streaming media services using free software
> technology.
> Fluendo intends to develop a free software streaming media server that
> can provide an all-in-one solution to serve both live and pre-recorded
> media content to any existing platform.
> â??While there are commercially backed streaming servers available for
> other platforms than Linux, these servers are proprietary, limited in
> features, and costly to buy, license, or keep running. A lot of internet
> companies already have a complete Linux-based rollout and would love to
> replace their last non-Linux systems if the software is availableâ??, CEO
> Julien Moutte says.
> The streaming server will make it possible to do streaming using only
> freely available and royalty-free codecs. Proprietary formats will also
> be supported in the end product and available under the licenses the
> patent holders specify. Fluendo will also offer support and custom
> development contracts to content providers.
> Fluendo is building their services on top of the quickly maturing
> GStreamer streaming media framework. It will assist the GStreamer
> community in further stabilizing and developing the framework.
> Funding the Xiph.org Foundation
> One of the missing components in enabling free software media streaming
> is a competitive open and royalty-free video codec to complement the
> already existing Vorbis free audio codec from the Xiph.org Foundation.
> This is why Fluendo has funded the Xiph.org Foundation to complete the
> Ogg/Theora bitstream specification. This is one of the remaining steps
> before Theora 1.0 is released. Once the bitstream specification has been
> completed the format will be frozen for the 1.0 release and all future
> versions of Theora will maintain compatibility with the 1.0 format,
> opening the door to widespread use of the codec for media distribution.
> â??Any company that bases their core product on commodity technologies
> obviously does well to choose a completely open, royalty-free
> technology. Technology that's open allows businesses to concentrate on
> delivering what clients and consumers want,â?? says Chris Montgomery of
> the Xiph.org Foundation. â??We are heartened to see Fluendo supporting the
> open standards they use and expect Fluendo to flourish in the years to
> come.â??
> The Xiph.org Foundation is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to
> providing tools for a free, open, and level playing field for digital
> media.
> For more information
> For announcements from Fluendo, subscribe to our mailing list at
> http://lists.fluendo.com/mailman/listinfo/fluendo-announce/.
> For more information on Fluendo, mail <info  fluendo.com>.
> For more information on GStreamer: http://gstreamer.net/
> For more information on the Xiph.org Foundation: http://www.xiph.org/
> --
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Carlos Patrao: mailto:cpatrao  moredata.pt 


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