[ANSOL-geral]Microsoft: diluindo as diferenças entre opensource e shared-source

Rui Miguel Seabra rms arroba 1407.org
Wed Apr 30 18:59:01 2003

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Para evidenciar que por vezes os receios[1] podem ser prof=C3=A9ticos, segu=
o artigo publicado em

... sobre as altera=C3=A7=C3=B5es ao licenciamento da <<Windows Template Li=
(WTL) - an enhancement of the C++ language>>.

[1] http://www.fsfeurope.org/documents/whyfs.pt.html

Aparentemente, ir=C3=A3o aplicar um shared-source um pouco menos restritivo

Cita=C3=A7=C3=B5es do artigo:

<<"Some of the possibilities we are investigating include modifying the
licensing for WTL so the WTL community could support itself with a
shared-source project," he said.>>

Prova de que na realidade est=C3=A3o a falar de shared-source e n=C3=A3o de
"opensource" como entendido pela OpenSource Initiative... utilizam o
termo opensource de forma vaga para=20

<<Microsoft's common language infrastructure (CLI), a subset of the .NET
framework runtime, is available as shared source, but like much of
Microsoft's shared source, it is limited to academic use and
experimentation, and redistribution of modifications is barred.>>
 aparentemente h=C3=A1 mais gente a tirar o evidente nabo da p=C3=BAcara...=
 qualquer um que olhar para o licenciamento acad=C3=A9mico do shared-source=
 se pergunta para que raios =C3=A9 que aquilo serve:

Microsoft Research Source Licensing Program
Use and Restrictions
      * Licensees may not use the source code for curriculum building,
        textbook publishing, or general classroom use.
      * Organizations not affiliated with a university lab are generally
        not eligible for this license.

Ent=C3=A3o para que serve, trabalho gratuito para a Microsoft? Com o softwa=
livre n=C3=A3o t=C3=AAm nenhuma destas restri=C3=A7=C3=B5es.

Com software licenciado licenciado com a GNU GPL em particular, a =C3=BAnic=
restri=C3=A7=C3=A3o =C3=A9 que os derivados t=C3=AAm de ser licenciados sob=
tamb=C3=A9m, devolvendo os mesmos direitos que tiveram aos que receberem as
modifica=C3=A7=C3=B5es (parece-me perfeitamente justo ao contr=C3=A1rio do

<<Mr Kumar described the WTL option under consideration as having "two
main goals: one that people could contribute; two that it could continue
to be used in commercial developments".>>

Creio que poderemos contar com uma licen=C3=A7a do g=C3=A9nero:
 Assinam um documento para que:
   O que =C3=A9 nosso =C3=A9 nosso mas voc=C3=AAs podem olhar (talvez compl=
   O que fizerem =C3=A9 nosso, e se nos for conveniente integraremos.

Abra=C3=A7os, Rui

+ No matter how much you do, you never do enough -- unknown
+ Whatever you do will be insignificant,
| but it is very important that you do it -- Gandhi
+ So let's do it...?

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