[ANSOL-geral] Europe needs more successful data mining startups

Marcos Marado mindboosternoori gmail.com
Terça-Feira, 4 de Abril de 2017 - 10:29:51 WEST

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On Mon, Apr 3, 2017, 17:25 André Esteves <aife  netvisao.pt> wrote:

> E como é que se faz dinheiro a fazer data-mining??
> http://www.euractiv.com/section/digital/opinion/europe-needs-more-successful-data-mining-startups/
> The European Commission’s proposed reform on copyright is preventing
> young companies from using text and data mining technology with full
> legal certainty, warns Michal Sadowski and Michał Brzezicki.
> Michal Sadowski is founder and CEO of Brand24 and was awarded “Best
> Co-Founder†prize in the Next Web Startup Awards 2013. Michał Brzezicki
> is co-founder and vice-president of SentiOne.
> We live in the age of the digital economy. Data is everywhere, and being
> produced by everything – devices, services, businesses, users. With data
> analytics becoming more valuable than ever, it has also become essential
> to ensure that everything can function smoothly: from local businesses,
> to universities, non-profits, and governments.
> The Commission’s proposal on copyright reform could lead to a mass
> exodus of young, innovative businesses moving outside of the EU.
> Thousands of the most innovative companies in Europe will either
> relocate or face extinction. It will become much more difficult for the
> EU to produce future Skypes, Spotifys or Pipedrives, and be competitive,
> particularly vis-a-vis Silicon Valley companies.
> We started our companies in Poland and we are proud to still be working
> from there alongside talented European teams. Despite all the benefits
> the Silicon Valley can offer us, we still prefer to run our business
> from Europe.
> We leverage a huge talent pool based in this region. We promote a
> culture of openness and cooperation EU startups need so desperately to
> compete against well-funded Silicon Valley based companies.
> Needless to say, it would be a drastic, unwanted and a last resort
> measure to move our business outside of the EU.
> Moreover, it is not only startups that will suffer. The Commission’s
> proposed legislation can indirectly hit many other entities that
> leverage data mining to benefit public interest.
> In the past five years, we have collaborated with many universities,
> non-profits, charities, etc. and we worked really hard to encourage
> companies from the US, Canada, Australia, Venezuela, Mexico, China, the
> United Arab Emirates and many others to have trust in European technology.
> What we find even more difficult to understand is why the EU would
> jeopardise its efforts to support innovative businesses, particularly as
> it spends a significant amount of money in grants and subsidies helping
> the startup environment grow: many tech startups in Poland have
> benefited from EU funding as part of the Innovative Economy Operational
> Programme (supported by the European Regional Development Fund and the
> Polish government).
> This programme helped us develop data extraction and analysis of text
> data on websites, or finance our first business trips to the US where we
> met our first customers. With this Directive, the Commission is pulling
> the brakes on our business after it helped us accelerate.
> We all need to inspire young companies to go global. We need to show
> them that relocation to Silicon Valley is not the only possible move if
> you want to build a meaningful business. We all need laws that will
> empower them to be part of a brave new World of Data.
> To be able to go global while working from France, Poland, Germany,
> Romania or the Czech Republic. We need laws that empower progress.
> Progress that is impossible to achieve if we cannot seize the
> opportunities that data mining technologies can offer us.
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