[ANSOL-geral] Grave atentado à democracia

João Miguel Neves joao silvaneves.org
Sábado, 14 de Fevereiro de 2004 - 02:32:39 WET

Carlos, acreditas mesmo que uma empresa é capaz de guardar coisas como 5
anos de informação sem fugas? Hoje em dia os contactos ilegais de
informações financeiras privadas entre empregados de bancos são
conhecidas. Agora imagina todos os teus telefonemas ou emails...

Só para as pessoas perceberem como andam as coisas na europa, a última
lei a ser passada deste género foi na Itália (segue extracto da
newsletter da EDRI - European Digital Rights):


On 28 January 2004, the Italian Lower House approved of a governmental 
decree-law on mandatory data retention by telephone and internet companies. 
Government issued the decree on 24 December 2003, without any prior 
parliamentary debate. All data about electronic communications must now be 
stored for a period of 5 years.

According to the privacy-group ALCEI, the new law isn't much more 
restrictive, or mischievous, than rules and practices that were already 
into force or are likely to follow. "The decree is messy, poorly conceived 
and confusing - hastily put together to amend the previous one (from June 
2003) that made data retention compulsory but (for alleged 'privacy' 
reasons) set a limit of 30 months."

In the new decree, the retention period is extended from 30 to 60 months. 
The older data must be separately accessible and usage is limited to 
particularly serious crimes including kidnapping, organised crime and 
terrorism, as well as crimes against IT or online systems.

ALCEI raises some serious objections against general data retention, 
because of the implication of guilt of every user of telecommunications. 
Using a vague criterion like terrorism enable the state to access any data 
at any time, ALCEI fears:

"Things get seriously worse with a dangerous and dramatic threat such as 
terrorism. There is a real need to prevent and pre-empt - i.e. to find and 
stop terrorists before they act. That can be done in a civilised manner. It 
is more effective, as well as ethically correct, to avoid witch-hunts, to 
stay away from prejudice and arbitrary 'categorisation' - and to avoid any 
violation of those human rights, and personal freedoms, that anti-terrorism 
actions claim to be protecting. In this context data retention (combined 
with the arbitrary, and often clumsy, criteria of data analysis and 
clustering) plays a key role, because it encourages the creation of as many 
'behaviour patterns' as suit the whims of whoever is searching - or of 
whoever else, for any reason, has access to the data."

On 14 January the Lower House accepted a motion about privacy, specifically 
calling on government to take initiatives aimed at careful treatment of 
traffic data from mobile phones. According to privacy-experts, the motion 
is purely cosmetic. Underneath there must have been some serious lobbying 
going on. Previous to the decree-law, ALCEI and 2 ISP-associations saw a 
much stricter decree-law, including the retention of the content of 
e-mails. The law now accepted by the Lower House specifically excludes the 
content of e-mails from the data retention obligations.

Shorthand report about the vote in the Lower House (28.01.2004)

Statement ALCEI on data retention (24.01.2004)

Statewatch article with commentary Italian DPA (January 2004)

						João Miguel Neves

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