ARLA/CLUSTER: MASAT-1 passa a designar-se MagyarSat-OSCAR-72 (MO-72)
João Costa > CT1FBF
Domingo, 19 de Fevereiro de 2012 - 09:54:07 WET
MASAT-1 designated MagyarSat-OSCAR-72 (MO-72)
OSCAR Number Administrator Bill Tynan, W3XO reports,
"Congratulations on the successful launch of the MaSat-1 Cubesat that
the team at Budapest University of Technology and Economics have been
responsible for designing, building and testing.
"Since you have met all of the requirements for being issued an OSCAR
number, including coordination through IARU and requesting an OSCAR
number, I, under authority vested in me by the President of AMSAT-NA,
do hereby name MaSat-1 as MagyarSat-OSCAR-72 or MO-72."
Bill concludes, "I, and all at AMSAT-NA wish MagyarSat-OSCAR-72 great
success in fulfilling all of its mission objectives."
Thanks to OSCAR Number Administrator Bill Tynan, W3XO for the above information
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