ARLA/CLUSTER: Cute-1.7 + APD II digital repeater test
Carlos Nora
Quarta-Feira, 11 de Junho de 2008 - 16:01:12 WEST
Cute-1.7 + APD II digital repeater test
The Amateur Radio digital repeater function is now being tested on the *
Cute-1.7* cubesat.
In an email on the AMSAT Bulletin Board (AMSAT-BB) Hiroki Ashida writes:
I'm Hiroki Ashida at Tokyo Tech (JQ1YCZ).
As Mr.Hurst, Mr.Rupprecht and Mr.Henk have reported, our CW telemetry was
changed. We're currently testing an amateur service function, "a digital
repeater," so the message "hi hi de jq1ytc digi on" have been transmitted.
I'm looking forwad to open our amateur service channel to you all!
And the APD sensor was turned on in the last pass over Japan and a long-term
APD observation was started. APD status packet can be received all over the
world until 12:00, Jun 11 (UTC). Your kind cooperation is greatly
appreciated. If you received it, please let us know!
FM packets are transmitted on 437.475MHz and packet formats are available in
the following web-page.
For example, according to an above APD status packet we can obtain
informations as;
4A-51-31-59-54-43-3E-4A-51-31-59-43-5A-3A : Header(JQ1YTC>JQ1YCZ)
D0 : APD Packet ID (Fixed)
30 : Status Code
APD Status : Operational
HV Status : Set Value = Output Value
Temp Correction : Active
Data Mode : Counter Valid
Detector : APD A
APD Gain : Gain 30
Threshold : 219mV
77 : Temperature
0x77 = 119 -> (119/255)*91.712-48.569 = -5.7 [degC]
B8 : High Voltage
0xB8 = 184 -> (184/255)*396.5 = 286 [V]
03-16-99 : Counter
0x1699 = 5785 -> 5785 * 23 = 46280
Best Regards,
*Hiroki Ashida*
73 e Obrigado , Carlos Nora - CT1END
Presidente de Direcção da REP
TM 963 076 931
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