[ANSOL-geral] FSFE-20180705-interview with Francesca Bria (CTO of Barcelona): "Using Free Software to build a more democratic, inclusive and sustainable digital society"

Ricardo Pinho ricardodepinho gmail.com
Domingo, 5 de Agosto de 2018 - 21:23:55 WEST

 *Barcelona is the first City Council who signed the open letter for
“Public Money? Public Code!†*

(Alguem pode sff traduzir esta entrevista?)

*Barcelona, the second most populous municipality of Spain, is actively
working on a "smart city" agenda that is reshaping modern city's
infrastucture and technologies to put citizen's needs first. Key to
Barcelona's agenda is the use and promotion of Free Software and open
technologies as a social good, to enable collaboration between
administrations and to escape vendor lock-ins. *

*To shed light on Barcelona's best practice, we have conducted an interview
with Francesca Bria, Chief Technology and Digital Innovation Officer at the
Barcelona City Council, to ask her about ongoing innovations and
developments in Barcelona. *
Ricardo Pinho
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