[ANSOL-geral] Cripto e VW? O que têm em comum?

André Isidoro Fernandes Esteves aife netvisao.pt
Sábado, 31 de Outubro de 2015 - 18:47:48 WET

A opinião de Nadim Kobeissi




The story of Volkswagen rigging cars with custom software to fool 
regulators testing for harmful emissions has been all over the news, and 
with good reason. Quoting Jim Dwyer from the New York Times:

The cars’ software turned on the pollution-control equipment only during 
inspections […] The software could silently deduce that an inspection 
was taking place based on the position of the steering wheel (cars 
hooked up to emissions meters don’t make turns) […] When the test was 
done and the car was on the road, the pollution controls shut off 
automatically, apparently giving the car more pep, better fuel mileage 
or both, but letting it spew up to 35 times the legal limit of nitrogen 

This is huge. Volkswagen is the world’s second-largest car manufacturer. 
Their admission to rigging accusations didn’t come easy — it followed 
months of denial after finally coinciding with the resignation of 
Volkswagen’s CEO. Let me repeat this: the world’s second-largest car 
manufacturer used custom software in order to effectively give their 
cars A.I. that can trick regulators into allowing cars that emit 
thirty-five times the limit of nitrogen oxide.

This story is like some sort of weird reversal of another debate we’re 
having involving software and regulators; that of encryption backdoors, 
smartphone security, messaging security and so on. In the smartphone 
encryption scenario, we’ve seen regulators asking the industry for 
backdoors as a matter of regulatory necessity, while in the Volkswagen 
case regulators were accusing the industry of exploiting the same 
backdoor logic to fool regulations!

The role-reversal that’s going on, with regulators suddenly being on the 
receiving end of hidden backdoors and in turn being deceived by their 
supposed guarantees, is additional, easy and stark proof that shipping 
any system that’s closed against inspection, or that implements special 
access controls, just doesn’t work when you’re trying to use it to reach 
sophisticated guarantees[1]. From cars that emit thirty-five times the 
amount of poison gas they’re supposed to, to elevators that unexpectedly 
drop three stories due to a programming error, to smartphone encryption 
that equips law enforcement with a master decryption key — modern 
industry keeps proving time and time again that such designs go against 
fundamental laws of engineering that one simply cannot circumvent in 
good practice.

A Volkswagen backdoor in a messaging client
Let’s recap how Volkswagen’s backdoor worked so that we can see how that 
exact same logic could be easily transposed into backdooring a 
supposedly secure mail application[2]. Volkswagen cars came with 
software that can figure out when the car was being tested for polluting 
emissions. The software figured this out based on the car’s steering 
activity, engine running time and barometric pressure, among other factors.

Volkswagen programmed the cars so that they would enable their 
anti-pollution controls only when the car realized it was being tested 
for pollution emissions. Otherwise, the car would disable these controls 
so that it can achieve better performance and make the driver happier 
with their purchase.
Volkswagen made sure that this special software is well-hidden and that 
regulators can’t inspect it, making this backdoor difficult to detect.
Sound familiar yet? Here’s that exact same logic transposed into a 
hypothetical backdoor for encrypted communications on your smartphone:

Your smartphone comes with a messaging client that can figure out, based 
on a list of suspicious phone numbers that it secretly regularly 
fetches, whether you are communicating with a suspicious third party. 
Your smartphone is also able to detect when a forensics expert is 
running tests on it.[3]
Your smartphone is then programmed to enable your encryption and privacy 
settings only when you’re messaging someone who’s not on that list of 
suspicious numbers. Otherwise, message encryption is disabled. If the 
software detects that a researcher is testing your smartphone for 
encryption compliance, it still encrypts your messages but generates 
your new key material using a malicious random number generator in order 
to insert a surreptitious backdoor anyway.
Your smartphone manufacturer makes sure that this special software is 
well-hidden and that researchers can’t inspect it, making this backdoor 
difficult to detect.
The parallels are very real; what makes them real is not only that they 
sound and work the same, it’s that both of them actually happened. The 
backdoored random number generator in my example isn’t fiction, but is 
drawn word for word from a recent NIST-approved cryptographic standard. 
Meanwhile, almost all of China’s most popular messaging applications 
will trigger censorship and surveillance automatically if you send 
messages containing certain keywords.

The reason why it’s critical to build software so that it can always be 
inspected, especially software running things we bet our lives on like 
our cars and sometimes our phones, is because otherwise, this simple 
snippet of code is all it could take to break any and all guarantees, if 
you could never examine it:

if (isInBlacklist(phoneNumber) || forensicsDetected()) {
                     const ephPrivKey = DUAL_EC(32)
else {
                     const ephPrivKey = DevUrandom(32)
const ephPubKey = DH25519(g, ephPrivKey)
sendEncryptedMessage([msg, ephPrivKey, ephPubKey], phoneNumber)
That piece of code is fully realistically possible; if I was confident 
you couldn’t inspect my software’s code, it’s all I would need to insert 
into a messaging application. If I obfuscated it just a little bit 
before inserting it, I’m willing to bet it would avoid detection for a 
fairly long time. We already have research proving that we can use 
compound Poisson distributions to estimate how long it will take before 
a software will show bugs; why not use statistics to reliably estimate 
how long before a backdoor, disguised as a bug, will pop out?

I feel like it’s pointless to buttress this post with examples.[4] 
TSA-compliant luggage padlocks, which are supposed to keep your luggage 
safe from strangers but accessible to airport security regulators, 
recently had their blueprints leaked allowing anyone with a 3D printer 
to print master keys and unlock everyone’s luggage. A recent publication 
showed that for three years, a Korean government-mandated smartphone 
monitoring application was shown by Collin Anderson et al to be 
vulnerable to mass compromise. The application, intended for parental 
monitoring, ended up leaking children’s personal information to everyone 
in their wireless vicinity. This is seriously getting old.

Volkswagen’s emissions fraud was only possible because they had a way to 
ship safety-critical software that was impervious to inspection. 
Regulators were the ones on the receiving end this time, and they felt 
the sting. It doesn’t make sense, in light of such a universal set of 
examples, to still think that opposing backdoors is unreasonable or 
paranoid. National security can be your top priority, sure — but you 
can’t insist on obtaining it using methods that just aren’t working for 
any single industry.

[1]  Especially when those guarantees are meant for a general public.

[2] This same backdoor logic is already on the table in some law 
enforcement circles.

[3] If you think detecting a forensics expert is hard, look into machine 

[4] I could write a random backdoor-gone-wrong generator and it would 
generate examples that actually happened probably half of the time.

This article was orginally published on the author's blog on 25 
September 2015. Thanks go to the author for allowing us to republish it 

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