[ANSOL-geral] PT: 1000 utilizadores da rede TOR por dia?
André Isidoro Fernandes Esteves
aife netvisao.pt
Sexta-Feira, 30 de Outubro de 2015 - 11:01:48 WET
Segundo o gráfico, nós só temos 1000 utilizadores da rede TOR por dia?
UK police push for powers to access your Web browsing history for the
last year
Part of a concerted drive by UK's security apparatus to extend
online surveillance powers.
byGlyn Moody <http://arstechnica.co.uk/author/glyn_moody/>-Oct 30, 2015
10:39am GMT
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Police access to Web browsing histories is likely to drive the increased
use of Tor and VPNs.
UK police are lobbying the government to be given access to every UK
Internet user's Web browsing history as part of the new Snooper's
Charter—the Investigatory Powers Bill—which is expected to be published
next week. According to/The Guardian/, the police want to revive the
controversial plan for ISPs to store details aboutevery website visited
by customers for 12 months
an idea first mooted in the originalCommunications Data Bill
which was dropped after opposition from the Liberal Democrats when they
were part of the previous coalition government.
Richard Berry, the National Police Chiefs’ Council spokesman for data
communications, is quoted as saying: "We essentially need the ‘who,
where, when and what’ of any communication"—who initiated it, where were
they and when did it happened. And a little bit of the ‘what’, were they
on Facebook, or a banking site, or an illegal child-abuse image-sharing
Edward Snowden takes to Twitter to mock UK's contradictory statements.
According to/The Guardian/, Berry accepted that it was "far too
intrusive" for police to be able to access the content of online
searches and social media messaging without additional controls—for
example, by requiring a warrant signed by a judge.
One of the problems with the idea of allowing police access to
somebody's Web browsing history for the previous year is that, taken in
aggregate, that information gives a very detailed picture of a person's
life, and is thus just as intrusive as viewing online searches or social
media messages. Another issue is that it is easy to circumvent this kind
of snooping by usingTor <https://www.torproject.org/>or a VPN, both of
which would obfuscate your behaviour enough that your ISP can't track you.
The move by the police seems to be part of a larger campaign by the UK's
security apparatus to push for thelong-expected Investigatory Powers
grant them as many new powers as possible. As Ars reported yesterday,
both GCHQ and MI5 have been making the case forincreased online
which they like to frame as "merely" retaining capabilities they enjoyed
when communications were analogue. Although it is true that the fraction
of messages that they can track has gone down in recent years, this
overlooks the fact that the overall volume of communications has gone up
even more substantially, which outweighs any percentage loss.
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