[ANSOL-geral] OpenCon 2015 Portugal?

André Isidoro Fernandes Esteves aife netvisao.pt
Domingo, 25 de Outubro de 2015 - 01:26:53 WEST


Em 15,16 e 17 de Novembro vai acontecer em Bruxelas uma convenção 
dedicada ao Open Access, Open Education e Open Data.


"OpenCon 2015 is the student and early career academic professional 
conference on Open Access, Open Education, and Open Data and will be 
held on November 14-16, 2015 in Brussels, Belgium. It is organized by 
the Right to Research Coalition, SPARC (The Scholarly Publishing and 
Academic Resources Coalition), and an Organizing Committee of students 
and early career researchers from around the world. The meeting will 
convene students and early career academic professionals from around the 
world and serve as a powerful catalyst for projects led by the next 
generation to advance OpenCon's three focus areas—Open Access, Open 
Education, and Open Data."

No site, há  a indicação da possibilidade de acontecer um evento 
paralelo em Portugal no mesmo período


sob a responsabilidade do Ivo Neto. http://www.opencon2015.org/ivocamposneto

Alguém sabe mais pormenores?

1ab livre,

André Esteves
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