[ANSOL-geral] DRI procura recursos para subcontratação
Irina Gomes
irina.gomes esop.pt
Quinta-Feira, 29 de Maio de 2014 - 10:56:24 WEST
Bom dia,
A DRI (www.dri-global.com) está à procura de recursos para Subcontratação conforme descrito abaixo.
As respostas deverão ser endereçadas a RICARDO MELO (ricardo.melo dri.pt).
_Agradecemos a divulgação desta informação a quem julguem que possa interessar._
Irina GomesAssessora da Direcção
+351 964 356 767
ESOP - Associação de Empresas de Software Open Source Portuguesas
www.esop.pt | www.facebook.com/ESOP.PT
Estamos a equacionar reforçar a nossa equipa o qual deve acontecer no espaço de 1 mês (ou antes), recorrendo a subcontratação ou contratação directa (ainda não definido, dependendo das oportunidades, perfil dos candidatos e dos custos).__
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Assim, caso esteja interessada agradeço que envie CV + Rate para os seguintes recursos:__
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1 PROGRAMADOR DE PHP (+2 anos experiência) com conhecimento de Drupal 7__
1 PROGRAMADOR DE PHP (+2 anos experiência) com conhecimento de SugarCRM__
1 PROGRAMADOR DE PHP (+2 anos experiência) preferencialmente com conhecimento de Drupal 7, SugarCRM ou Symfony2.__
1 SOFTWARE TESTER (+2 anos experiência) com experiência de testes em aplicações web, baseadas em PHP e automatização.__
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Segue a Descrição das Funções (retiradas dos nossos anúncios de recrutamento)
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The mentors who turn elder scrolls into precise and accurate specifications. The wise people who can extract order, system and flow out of cries for help, and come up with the most solid structure in complex and often turbulent environments. These are our dream functional analysts.__
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They will have to:__
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_· _Work in a development team;__
_· _Look into business scenarios, problems, and requirements;__
_· _Turn them into neat business processes and product backlog items;__
_· _Be involved in functional tests;__
_· _Develop technical requirement documentation;__
_· _Be in charge of all the training that the team's projects will require;__
_· _Be actively involved in an agile development environment.__
And, more specifically:__
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English proficiency, written and spoken, is a must;__
The gift of communication as well.__
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/CRM & Social CRM/__
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We?re looking for full-time software developers to join our CRM & Social CRM team. The developers will work in a project environment, using their PHP and Javascript skills to customize and integrate solutions based on products like SugarCRM.__
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Our projects have a very wide scope in terms of industries and customer types, so the developers will be able to work on several different types of problems, coming up with solutions for a wide range of requirements, performance and functional.__
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Our developers will work in an agile environment, using state of the art tools such as the Atlassian suite.__
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DRI is a SugarCRM Gold Partner and part of the Open+ developer program, so the developers will be able to push their work upstream and have an impact on the product itself.__
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In sum, we?re looking for candidates that:__
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_· _Know PHP and Javascript, as well as basic HTML;__
_· _SugarCRM knowledge: a plus but not a requirement;__
_· _Can handle a fast paced, short deadlined environment;__
_· _Have a working knowledge of SQL;__
_· _Recommend and implement solutions for complex problems.__
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/Websites, platforms & applications/__
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We?re looking for full-time software developers to join our Websites, platforms & applications team. The developers will work in a project environment, using their PHP and Javascript skills to customize and integrate solutions based on products like Drupal. More than building simple websites, this is about creating the perfect CMS for each customer and his specific business needs.__
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Our projects have a very wide scope in terms of industries and customer types, so the developers will be able to work on several different types of problems, coming up with solutions for a wide range of requirements, performance and functional.__
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Our developers will work in an agile environment, using state of the art tools such as the Atlassian suite.__
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In sum, we?re looking for candidates that:__
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_· _Know PHP and Javascript, as well as some strong HTML and CSS;__
_· _Drupal experience is a plus;__
_· _Can handle a fast paced, short deadlined environment;__
_· _Recommend and implement solutions for complex problems.__
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/Lisbon - Portugal/__
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We?re looking for QA Engineers. Much, much more than people who merely execute test scripts, we?re looking for full-time, all in people who help us raise the bar in terms of the usability and functionality of our software.__
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The QA engineers will be play a key part in our development cycle, and have a word in the whole, end-to-end process, not being restricted to a specific feature or moment in time to intervene.__
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Our QA engineers will need to:__
_· _Have a working knowledge of the software development cycle;__
_· _By nature, be attentive to detail;__
_· _Have basic development skills;
Pólo Tecnológico de Lisboa / Estr. do Paço do Lumiar, Lote 06 / Edifício Multitech ? 2C1, 1600-546 Lisboa
T +351 21 715 30 55 / F +351 21 715 30 57 / www.dri-global.com[1]
Follow us @Blog[2] | @Twitter[3] | @Facebook[4] | @LinkedIn[5]
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[1] http://www.dri-global.com/
[2] http://www.dri-global.com/blog
[3] http://twitter.com/driglobal/
[4] http://www.facebook.com/discovery.reinvention.integration
[5] http://www.linkedin.com/company/dri-global
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