[ANSOL-geral] Debater aspectos das informação pessoal na web
antonio santos cristovao
cristof sapo.pt
Sábado, 20 de Abril de 2013 - 09:05:20 WEST
Debates que debatem assuntos sobre dados pessoais e preservação
The 2013 edition of the annual event of the Digital Enlightenment
Forum (DEF) will take place from September 18 to 20, 2013 at Egmont
Palace in Brussels on the theme “Personal data and citizenship in the
digital society”.
The event includes, on September 20, a “Digital Futures Workshop” on
the theme “The future of personal data and citizenship”, co-hosted by
the Digital Enlightenment Forum and the Digital Futures Task Force of
European Commission’s DG CONNECT.
In line with DEF’s overall objectives, the event aims at informed,
challenging and yet open dialogue, seeking to understand how business,
institutions and governments can become more effective and
fit-to-purpose through relationships with digitally empowered
individuals. The focus is on finding game-changing solutions that
stimulate innovation and sustainable evolution, and are therefore
beneficial to all. We welcome all persons from science, technology,
law, industry and policy who are interested and can contribute to the
debate and policy developments on Personal Data and Citizenship in the
Digital Society.
The FORUM will stimulate broad participation of all participants
through group discussion sessions in Day 1 and Day 3 in particular,
and sufficient time for involvement of the audience during in the
Panel discussions on day 2. There will also be ample opportunity for
socializing, e.g. a cocktail on 18 Sep, a lunch with additional
invitees from the EU institutions on 19 Sep, a gala dinner on 19 Sep
and coffee breaks during the days.
Detailed and updated information can be found on
thehttp://www.digitalenlightenment.org/ web site.
Antonio S. Cristovao
(tf- 967412738)
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