[ANSOL-geral] Fwd: Anúncio de Seminário "PatentClassification - a personal view point

J M Cerqueira Esteves jmce artenumerica.com
Segunda-Feira, 18 de Setembro de 2006 - 13:16:53 WEST


Recebi há minutos este anúncio de uma palestra a decorrer amanhã no Dep.
de Informática da FCT/UNL, para os lados da Caparica:


Title: Patent Classification - a personal view point

When: { 2006-09-19 11h00 }

By: Shmuel Ur (IBM Research Labs at Haifa)

Abstract: (see below)

Hosted by: Parallel and Distributed Processing Systems Research Group

Location: Sala Seminários do DI


Patent Classification - a personal view point
Dr. Shmuel Ur
IBM Research Labs at Haifa, Israel

Trends in the Patents System

After receiving the title of IBM Master Inventor I have been asked to
give a short presentation the Haifa Research Lab on a subject that has
to do with patents. I have decided to give a presentation on my personal
classification of patents.

This presentation will be  on trends I see which transform the patent
system into a burden on the IT industry.  In it I will explain the
theoretical motivation behind the patent system and how the changes in
the judicial system, mainly in the USA, are changing it from the
original intent into a burden.    While the talk represent my personal
views, the same views are being shared by many others.  Currently the
legal overhead to the medical system in the USA is about a third of the
total cost, I fear the IT industry is heading in the same direction, and


Short Biography:

Dr. Shmuel Ur is a research scientist in IBM research lab in Haifa,
Israel. He works in the field of software testing and concentrates on
coverage and testing of multi-threaded programs. Shmuel is the technical
lead of the area of Coverage in IBM and is also an IBM Master Inventor.
Shmuel teaches software testing in the Technion and Haifa University.

Shmuel received his PhD. in Algorithms Optimization and Combinatorics in
1994 in Carnegie Mellon University. Shmuel received his Bs.C. and Ms.C.
from the Technion in Israel. Shmuel has published in the fields of
hardware testing, artificial intelligence, algorithms, software testing
and testing of multi-threaded programs where is he is also the chair of
PADTAD, a workshop on testing multi-threaded applications. In the area
of coverage, Shmuel worked and published on functional coverage,
minimizing regression suite size, coverage directed generation, visual
code coverage techniques and coverability.


                   J Esteves

+351 939838775   Skype:jmcerqueira   http://del.icio.us/jmce

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