[ANSOL-geral] [Fwd: Re: India: No software patents]

Rui Miguel Seabra rms 1407.org
Quinta-Feira, 21 de Abril de 2005 - 16:06:13 WEST

Carlos: desculpa ter rejeitado a tua mensagem, mas quanto menos esta
mentira se espalhar melhor:

-------- Forwarded Message --------

On 21 apr 2005, at 10:10, XXXXXXXXXXXXX  wrote:
> I noticed this:
> http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/04/20/2311255&from=rss
> Has anyone more infos on this? We should do sth with this ASAP, it 
> could
> also be of interest for JURI, I guess

It is very old and misguided news. What failed in india was replacing 
the exclusion of "software per se" with the exclusion of "software when 
not used in combination with hardware". They did add that a 
"significant economic effect" is enough to get a patent though. It's 
all hogwash and definitely not misinformation which we should spread, 
because it will backfire when people are informed about the truth.

+ No matter how much you do, you never do enough -- unknown
+ Whatever you do will be insignificant,
| but it is very important that you do it -- Gandhi
+ So let's do it...?

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