[ANSOL-geral] Prenúncios do EUCD... no fórum do Movimento Wireless Português
André Esteves
aife netvisao.pt
Sexta-Feira, 26 de Março de 2004 - 18:43:55 WET
Hoje num fórum do movimento wireless português... A Telepac/NetCabo anda a
mandar cartas aos utilizadores de p2p em obediência aos pedidos da Paramount.
Junto os elementos que estão postados no forum...
O que dizem a isto?
Um abraço,
André Esteves
dom membro Tartaruga de portimão:
Recebi hoje o seguinte
Lisboa, 10 de Março de 2004
Exmo. Senhor,
Vimos por este meio dar-lhe conhecimento de uma reclamação apresentada por
Paramount, que anexamos para o efeito.
Na referida reclamação, é referido que V. Exa. tem vários ficheiros de video
partilhados publicamente no seu computador, utilizando o serviço NetCabo em
relação ao qual a TV Cabo é a provedora de acesso.
Salientamos que, de acordo com o ponto 12 das Condições Gerais do Serviço
NetCabo, o Cliente deve respeitar e observar o disposto na legislação
nacional e internacional aplicável, nomeadamente a relativa a direitos de
autor e direitos conexos, propriedade industrial e criminalidade informática,
sendo o único responsável pela utilização que faça do serviço, pelo pontual e
integral cumprimento das Condições Gerais e Particulares.
Assim, solicitamos que se pronuncie sobre o teor da reclamação apresentada no
prazo de 48 horas e, caso os factos alegados sejam verdadeiros, que remova as
partilhas dos ficheiros referidos do seu computador, de modo a regularizar a
presente situação, sob pena de a TV Cabo proceder à suspensão do acesso ao
serviço NetCabo, caso este tipo de reclamação persista.
Certos da sua compreensão,
Back.Office Netcabo.pt
Abuse TVCabo.pt
TV Cabo - Security Response Team
Hash: SHA1
TVCABO-Portugal Cable Modem Network
Notice ID:3624096
Notice Date:28 Feb 2004 06:04:10 GMT
Dear Sir or M
BayTSP, Inc. ("BayTSP") swears under penalty of perjury that Paramount
Pictures Corporation ("Paramount") has authorized BayTSP to act as its agent
for copyright infringement notification. BayTSP's search of the protocol
listed below has detected infringements of Paramount's copyright interests on
your IP addresses as detailed in the attached report.
BayTSP has reasonable good faith belief that use for the material in the
manner complained of in the attached report is not authorized by Paramount,
its agents, or the law. The information provided herein is accurate to the
best of our knowledge. Therefore, this letter is an official notification
under provisions of section 512(a) of the U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright
Act to effect removal of the detected infringement listed in the attached
report. The Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic
Works, the Universal Copyright Convention, as well as bilateral treaties with
other countries allow for protection of client's copyrighted work even beyond
U.S. borders. The attached documentation specifies the exact location of the
infringement. The Notice ID identifies the copyrighted works by file
identification number.
We hereby request that you immediately remove or block access to the
infringing material, as specified in the copyright laws, and insure the user
refrains from using or sharing with others Paramount's materials in the
Please send us a prompt response indicating the actions you have taken to
resolve this matter. Please reference the Notice ID number above in your
Nothing in this letter shall serve as a waiver of any rights or remedies of
Paramount with respect to the alleged infringement, all of which are
expressly reserved. Should you need to contact me, I may be reached at the
following address:
Mark Ishikawa
Chief Executive Officer
BayTSP, Inc.
PO Box 1314
Los Gatos, CA 95031
v: 408-341-2300
f: 408-341-2399
paramount-picture copyright-compliance.com
*pgp public key is available on the key server at ldap://keyserver.pgp.com
Note: The information transmitted in this Notice is intended only for the
person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or
privileged material. Any review, reproduction, retransmission, dissemination
or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information
by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If
you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material
from all computers.
This infringement notice contains an XML tag that can be used to automate the
processing of this data. If you would like more information on how to use
this tag please contact BayTSP.
- ----
Infringed Work: Clockstoppers
Infringing FileName: Clockstoppers.(2002).ViTE.ShareReactor.avi
Infringing FileSize: 725166080
Protocol: eDonkey
Infringers IP Address:
Infringer's User Name: None
Infringer's DNS Name:
Initial Infringement Timestamp: 10 Feb 2004 06:28:18 GMT
Recent Infringement Timestamp: 10 Feb 2004 06:28:18 GMT
Infringed Work: Marci X
Infringing FileName: Marci.X.DVDRip.XviD-DMT.ShareConnector.com.avi
Infringing FileSize: 730279936
Protocol: eDonkey
Infringers IP Address:
Infringer's User Name:
Infringer's DNS Name:
Initial Infringement Timestamp: 25 Feb 2004 06:29:11 GMT
Recent Infringement Timestamp: 25 Feb 2004 06:29:11 GMT
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<Infringement xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<Entity>TVCABO-Portugal Cable Modem Network</Entity>
<Email>abuse tvcabo.pt</Email>
<Title>Marci X</Title>
Version: 8.0
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