[ANSOL-geral] Início de um novo programa de angariação de fundos da FSFEurope

Rui Miguel Seabra rms 1407.org
Sexta-Feira, 13 de Agosto de 2004 - 19:11:15 WEST

-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Stefano Maffulli <stef  zoomata.com>
Subject: starting a new fund raising program
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 19:18:31 +0200

Hello friends,

to help sustain activities of FSFE we are launching by the end of the
year a fund raising program whose aim is to create a stronger community
of supporters of FSFE.  We plan to build the community (called
"Fellowship of Free Software") around a website and with a cool gadget:
a crypto smart card; Werner will take care of all security stuff,
including signing it and the rest.

For this card (and eventually for the web site) we need graphic design
so we prepared the call that follows.  I would like to ask you to make
it circulate between your friends graphic designers: it contains
instructions on how to contribute and deadlines.  I would avoid to make
a public call since there could be too much noise, so approaching your
contacts personally should be a better way to proceed.


                         * * * * *

Dear NAME,

Free Software Foundation Europe is developing a new gadget for its loyal
supporters.  This gadget is a 'smart-card' with a chip that stores
cryptographic keys, for signing digitally documents and encrypting
communications via email.

We would like to make the cards attractive and cool looking, therefore
we are asking designer friends to contribute a graphic layout for them.

The design on the card should communicate "power and privacy" and sense
 of "group" and fellowship."  The name of the program for which the
gadget is being produced is "Fellowship of FSFE", and the people
that will apply to it will receive the card and become "Fellows of

On the front of the card there should be the FSFE logo or, in
alternative, you can propose a different symbol that could go on
t-shirts too.  Playing with the GNU head is allowed, but we would prefer
that it is not directly recognizable and is not used as the dominant
symbol.  We have always been looking for a good graphical design,
layout, sexy something as an alternative to the GNU that could be used
on multiple FSFE publications (t-shirts, brochures, web page) but have
not yet  come across anything, really. If you happen to have an idea
don't hesitate to submit it.  

The dimension and other physical constraints of the cards are specified
at the url: http://maffulli.net/pictures/smartcard.png . We will use a
number or the name of the person to identify the owner of the card (for
practical purposes) and these will be printed flat and not raised, so
please consider this in your design. We suggest you to use the size
(it's standard credit cards size) and keep the spaces for the the serial
number (or the name) clean of important graphics; the graphic on the
cards is printed first and later the place for the chip is punched out. 
Number of colours used is not particularly important since the
difference in price is very limited.  The card is white.

On the back of the card there should be the text:
Your software shall grant you these freedoms:

  * Freedom 0: to run it for any purpose
  * Freedom 1: to study and adapt it to your needs
  * Freedom 2: to distribute copies to help yourself and others
  * Freedom 3: to modify it and pass those modifications

Or other similar text.  It will have to carry also the URI
http://www.fsfe.org/, the official web site of the Fellowship.

The copyright of the design should be assigned to FSFE.  FSFE does not
have at the moment the monetary resources to remunerate this task, so we
ask you to donate the design, which we will acknowledge as equivalent
financial contribution.  The designer chosen will be mentioned in our
press release as author and will be treated as a "sustaining
contributor" (see
http://www.fsfeurope.org/help/donate.en.html for details), s/he will
also be considered the "Fellow #1".  Everyone who sends a proposed
design will be mentioned in the same press release in the 'thank you'

The deadline for submitting proposals is 5th September 2004.  The
results will be made public by the 15th of September.  The proposals
will have to be submitted in PNG or pdf format to:
<graphic-competition  fsfeurope.org>.  The proposals will be judged by
the european team.

The winner will have to provide the modifiable layout in a known vector
format too (SVG, AI 7 or other formats used by Free Software programs),
avoiding fonts that cannot be copied freely.

Happy designing :) and let us know if you need further explanations.

+ No matter how much you do, you never do enough -- unknown
+ Whatever you do will be insignificant,
| but it is very important that you do it -- Gandhi
+ So let's do it...?

Please AVOID sending me WORD, EXCEL or POWERPOINT attachments.
See http://www.fsf.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html
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