[ANSOL-geral]McCarthy considera as patentes de software já
concedidas como legais!
Rui Miguel Seabra
rms arroba 1407.org
Wed Sep 3 17:22:02 2003
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H=C3=A1 quem pense que as patentes de software atribu=C3=ADdas est=C3=A3o =
em estado
ilegal e que por isso, mesmo que a proposta de directiva actual
apresentada pela JURI[1] seja aprovada, as mais de 30000 patentes de
software j=C3=A1 concedidas s=C3=A3o ilegais.
A opini=C3=A3o de quem promove a directiva =C3=A9 de que n=C3=A3o s=C3=B3 s=
=C3=A3o legais, pois
t=C3=AAm seguido uma interpreta=C3=A7=C3=A3o da European Patent Convention,=
como s=C3=A3o
inven=C3=A7=C3=B5es genu=C3=ADnas!
McCarthy enviou recentemente um documento aos seus colegas Eurodeputados
refutando supostos mitos espalhados por uma entidade inexistente: a Free
Software Alliance
Presumivelmente refere-se =C3=A0 EuroLinux Alliance.
Myth: The proposal would legalise thousands of mathematical rules and
business methods patents that have been granted by the European Patent
Office against the letter and spirit of the law, making it impossible
for national courts to revoke these patents.
Truth: This is both confusing and wrong. Patents handed out by the EPO,
for computer-implemented inventions have been granted on the basis of an
interpretation of the European Patent Convention (EPC). They therefore
already enjoy legal status and
where appeals against them have been launched, far from seeking to
revoke these patents, national courts have in the majority of cases
slavishly followed the decision of the EPO.
The Parliament's amendments, in proposing a more restrictive and clearer
interpretation of the law on the patentability of computer-implemented
inventions is therefore "not legalising patents", but seeking to ensure
that only genuine inventions enjoy patents in the future. An EU law also
opens up the avenue of appeals to the European Court of Justice to
challenge bad patent decisions in a transparent and accountable way. It
therefore enables the creation of European case law enacting the
Parliament's demands to ensure the exclusion of the patenting of the
business methods.
Este documento est=C3=A1 republicado em formato comentado no URL:
Desengane-se quem prefere persistir numa interpreta=C3=A7=C3=A3o muito pr=
=C3=B3pria de
que as patentes de software j=C3=A1 concedidas ser=C3=A3o inofensivas mesmo=
com a
aprova=C3=A7=C3=A3o da actual proposta, at=C3=A9 porque na vasta maioria do=
s casos de
lit=C3=ADgio os "infractores" cedem =C3=A0 extors=C3=A3o dos detentores das=
antes de sequer chegar a tribunal para julgamento final da veracidade da
infrac=C3=A7=C3=A3o, terminando projectos, pagando largas somas de dinheiro=
deitando fora o seu pr=C3=B3prio trabalho inovador.
+ No matter how much you do, you never do enough -- unknown
+ Whatever you do will be insignificant,
| but it is very important that you do it -- Gandhi
+ So let's do it...?
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