[ANSOL-geral]CD de Software Livre para Windows
Joćo Miguel Neves
joao arroba silvaneves.org
Sun Oct 27 02:18:01 2002
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Estive a ver o projecto GNUWin. Este projecto consiste num conjunto de
software livre para Windows que penso que pode ser imensamente =FAtil no
nosso esfor=E7o de advocacia. O plano =E9 seguir algo como aconteceu na
R=E1dio Popular, primeiro habituar as pessoas =E0s aplica=E7=F5es e depois =
o sistema operativo deixa de ser um problema (quem n=E3o conhecer a
hist=F3ria da R=E1dio Popular, aguarde uns dias).
Entretanto enviei um e-mail =E0 equipa do projecto a perguntar o que seria
necess=E1rio para traduzir o projecto para portugu=EAs. A resposta (mais qu=
completa) que recebi est=E1 em anexo.
Cen=E1rio ideal:
Uma equipa de pessoas oferece-se para fazer a tradu=E7=E3o e existe um
coordenador que fica com o login e password do site do GNUWin. A
primeira vers=E3o ficaria acabada antes do Porto - Cidade Digital (29 e 30
de Novembro) e, de alguma forma, lan=E7=E1vamos essa CD nesse evento.
O Jo=E3o Fernandes, no IRC mostrou-se interessado neste projecto, mas =E9
preciso mais gente. Candidatos ?
Jo=E3o Miguel Neves
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Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2002 16:49:56 +0200
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Subject: Re: Translating GNU/Win to portuguese
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Greetings !
Thank a lot for your mail ! It's really nice to see this little project=20
of ours being useful for ome people, and we are precisely very eager to=20
have Portugese support, as you may know already.
GNUWin holds three main parts: applications, a HTML "orientation" set of=20
pages , and documentation / articles.
We'd really want the HTML interface to be fully translated before=20
releasing a language officially on GNUWin, that is : the main index (=20
http://gnuwin.epfl.ch/en/index.html ), and the various text pages that=20
are listed in the second table on the left of the index (FAQ, order,=20
what to install, etc...). It would also be nice to translate the=20
"application groups", but these are only one word each, so I guess it's=20
pretty trivial. This is the most urgent thing to do; afterward, if a=20
program doesn't have its descritpion translated in a perticular laguage,=20
our scripts automatically propose the other available languages, as you=20
can see on http://gnuwin.epfl.ch/apps/es/index.html
Secondly it would be nice to start translating the descriptions of the=20
applications; the first to be translated would be the ones listed in
http://gnuwin.epfl.ch/en/equivalents.html and=20
http://gnuwin.epfl.ch/en/install.html . This can be done progressively.
Finally, you can try and find Portugese equivalents for the articles we=20
propose (Cathedral and the Bazaar, etc...), and start translating the=20
glossary http://gnuwin.epfl.ch/glossaire/en/index.html ; this one is=20
quite long, so I don't expect it to be done overnight.
To summerize, the basic things to translate are the main HTML pages; I=20
suppose it's quite doable in a short time if you have motivated people.=20
The rest can be done over time.
We have a web construction interface that allows remote administration=20
of GNUWin. I'll be more than happy to grant you access to this database=20
if you are reallymotivated, just ask me for a login and password.
In this database, applications have subfolders for each language, which=20
hold the description, the URLs, license, and binaries. Thus, it is=20
extremely easy to have several files for a single application in=20
different languages. You'll see more by visiting the database, but I can=20
assure you that it is design precisely in this idea.
One last thing : we curretnly have four different full-featured Open=20
Office files, which eat up more than 200 Mo of the CD; we'd like to know=20
how to separate the main program and the language modules, so that we=20
could save space. If you happen to know how to implement this, we'd be=20
delighted to know more about it !
I hope I answered everything; if it's not the case, or if you want a=20
login and password, please don't hesitate to write again.
Thank you very much for your interest, I hope to hear of you again so=20
that together we could improve GNUWin further !
May the Source be with you !
-- Emmanuel
> I'm still downloading the ISO to check it out, but here it goes. I'm
>part of ANSOL, a Portuguese National Free Software Association. In the
>end of November we'll have a big event. We were thinking of preparing a
>Free Software CD for Windows for those visitors who would like to check
>it out whithout reinstalling their systems. Then we found GNU/Win.
> Basically what I need to know is what needs to be translated so I can
>gather enough people to do it... I would also like to know how difficult
>would it be to add some localization options like the OpenOffice's
>spelling for portuguese (we have it, it's just not part of the normal
> Thanks in advance,
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