[ANSOL-geral]RedHat: Algumas notícias relacionadas... outras nem tanto ;-)

Lopo de Almeida lopo.almeida arroba sitaar.com
Tue May 28 00:17:01 2002

Weekly news wrap-up: Red Hat applies for patents, dozens of DMCA violations

    - By Grant Gross - A little controversy erupted late this week when it
    was revealed that Red Hat has filed for patents related to the TUX
    webserver, for Embedded Protocol Objects and the method and apparatus
    for atomic file look-up. As many of you know, many people in the Free
    Software community see software-related patents as a tool for creating
    more proprietary software. 

Are Red Hat's patents necessarily bad?

    Skeptical Reader writes, "Linux and Main has weighed in on Friday's
    news that Red Hat has applied for patents on two Linux kernel hacks. In
    an editorial, the editors argue that it's just as likely that Red Hat
    is seeking to protect technology for the community and protect
    technology from the community -- that we may be seeing the birth of
    something that is to patents as the GPL is to copyright. We should hold
    our outrage, they argue, until we ... 


Free Software licensing quiz

    Mikael Pawlo writes, "How much do you know about free software
    licensing? Time to find out! In a quiz presented by the Free Software
    Foundation you can test your abilities. How should Joan license her web


Microsoft in EU commission probe over privacy law

    From Reuters"The European Commission is checking whether Microsoft
    Corp.'s system of collecting personal data from Internet users breaks
    privacy laws, compounding the software giant's antitrust probe
    headaches in Europe." 

Columnist claims Open Source makes programmers dumb

    Warning, warning, warning: all kinds of logical gymnastics ahead. A
    columnist at WorldTechTribune suggests that programmers' skills are
    eroding because they can cut and past code from Open Source programs
    instead of writing it themselves. He bases this claim on a company
    Australia that can't find skilled Visual Basic and SQL programmers.
    Here's some of that strange logic: " Because of the General Public
    License that virtually all Linux/open ...