[ANSOL-geral]Como o Software Pirata pode prejudicar o Software Livre
Lopo de Almeida
lopo.almeida arroba sitaar.com
Thu Jun 13 12:21:03 2002
"Commentary: How software piracy hurts Free Software
- By Nathan Joel Lunt - I was discussing Linux in all its glory with a
friend of mine, a Windows XP user, the other day. I told him all of the
great things I could do with my Free Software, and offered to make him
a copy, knowing there would be no legal stipulations on me doing so. He
responded, "What can you do with Linux that I can't do with Windows?"
So I proceeded to let him know that I could do everything he was doing,
but legally. ..."
Penso que neste sentido o movimento do Software Livre também poderia apoiar
as Associações do Software Proprietário no combate à pirataria. Seria quase
maquiavélico :-))))