[ANSOL-geral]Come check out WeWantLinux.org!
lopo.almeida arroba sitaar.com
Mon Aug 26 15:38:01 2002
I'm visiting WeWantLinux.org, a non-profit group which is trying to
encourage PC retailers to set up Linux-based demo PCs for their
customers to try out. They're doing a survey to determine your level
of interest in trying out Linux, and in what part of the world you live.
The results of their survey will be available to anyone who wants to
see it, at no cost. This will not include name, phone number, email
address, or any other personal information that might be used to
contact you. It will include country of residence, state or region,
mailing (i.e. ZIP) code, and the answers given to their questions.
I thought you'd be interested in this site as well. Just follow this
link ( http://www.wewantlinux.org ) and check it out!