
Vitor Domingos vd arroba paradigma.co.pt
Sun Apr 14 14:37:01 2002


Proposal for the creation of TWO Entities



The Call for GEEK Action, GEEK Unity:

The following document is to provide the people of the greater IT Development Community and the Internet Community at large with a framework to come together and unite in the cause of saving our basic freedoms as they relate to the freedom to innovate and the freedom of the Internet as an entity. We are calling out to people who like us, who make up the diverse technology communities. We call to those who are close to the Internet, to Internet Service Providers, to Web Casters, to content providers; and more important those of you who feel a passion for what the Internet really means as a communications entity to the billions of human spirits that use it daily(please refer to www.cluetrain.com). We call to members of technology specific communities; to all the user groups (of all types) of the nation, to the loyal members of the APPLE/MAC Community, to the GNU and FREE SOFTWARE community, to the Linux and Open Source communities, to all you hard core UNIX users and USENIX me!
mbers, AND YES we even call to those who love and enjoy their Microsoft products.

This call is for us to unite and take a stand to preserve those basic freedoms. To do this effectively we need to educate the public and those in national public office; and at the same time create a channel for direct Political Action. This is a daunting task, and the only way we can see clear is in proposing the creation of TWO separate organizations with similar goals and a common set of beliefs.


Vitor Domingos
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."