[Eventos] Authorizaton for Display of The Code at a Free Software
festival in Portugal
Rui Miguel Seabra
rms ansol.org
Segunda-Feira, 10 de Maio de 2004 - 16:58:48 WEST
This weekend we organize a Free Software Party with installation
parties of GNU/Linux, OpenBSD and other Free Software operating systems,
as well as some talk panels.
It was suggested that we could play The Code at the event but, of
course, we would need explicit authorization for that.
Will you allow us to exhibit The Code on our event on May 15th, 2004?
Thanks in advance,
Rui Miguel Silva Seabra
Secretary, http://www.ansol.org/ansol.en.html
Cellular: +351-93-3255619
ps: I'm sorry for the repeated email, but CC was wrong
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