[Eventos] [Fwd: Who would like to host GUADEC in 2006]
Lopo de Almeida
lopo.almeida sitaar.com
Sexta-Feira, 17 de Dezembro de 2004 - 23:41:24 WET
Uma check-list do que seria necessário e a possibilidade de se ter um
documento do grupo do GNOME talvez ajudasse.
Assim, penso que se conseguia fazer qualquer coisinha ;-)
Em Sexta, 17 de Dezembro de 2004 22:03, o Rui Miguel Seabra escreveu:
| Alguém gostava de candidatar Portugal pela ANSOL?
| Rui
| -------- Forwarded Message --------
| From: Anne Østergaard <anne oestergaard.nu>
| To: foundation-list gnome.org
| Subject: Who would like to host GUADEC in 2006
| Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 00:05:22 +0100
| Hello
| I was thinking of where GUADEC should have its conference in 2006.
| The reason I mention this subject so early is that organizations that
| would like to host the GUADEC conference after Germany might like long
| time to prepare such a big and important event.
| Representatives of organizations interested in submitting a proposal
| to host this "European GNOME World Conference" tradition might like to
| attend a guadec-planning meeting as a guest.
| If I was going to be a possible host country I would like to have
| participated in at least one GNOME conference and possibly have been
| helping in the previous planning committee on the mailing list and in
| the conference calls to get a feeling of what is needed in terms of
| work.
| Host committees in both Kristiansand and Stuttgart sent a representative
| to a previous GUADEC to see what it entails.
| GNOME Greetings
| Anne
Nixius Open Knowledge
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Bloco 3, Edifício 2 - 3 D
Qta Fonte da Prata (Norte)
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M. (+351) 933 177 386
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mailto:lopo.almeida sitaar.com
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