ARLA/CLUSTER: Sobe, Sobe, balão sobe... durante Friedrichshafen

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Quarta-Feira, 23 de Junho de 2010 - 12:38:05 WEST

Linear Transponder balloon flight

William PE1RAH brings news of a Linear Transponder high altitude balloon flight this Saturday, June 26, during the Friedrichshafen Ham Radio event.

A flight last Saturday, June 19, was the first to carry the linear transponder which had an uplink of 435.035-435.065 MHz LSB and a downlink of 145.965-145.935 MHz USB.

On the AMSAT bulletin board William writes:

Last weekend I was in Austria for holidays, and on the Saturday there was a high altitude balloon experiment done by Austrian hams which included a known transponder to me ;-)

My location was near Landeck, some 350km west of the balloon experiment and down in the valley, which made it impossible for me to work the transponder (from my mobile ham station).

>From the website I understand that the balloon experiment was successful, but I read some remarks that the transponder unfortunately was not used very much. Most probably because the event was not widely known among the hams.

What I understand, is that there will be another balloon mission on Saturday (26-June) during the well known Ham Radio event in Friedrichshafen.

I will not be at the Ham Radio, but I like to pass on the news to other hams who will be there and have a chance to listen/work the transponder or the balloon APRS.

The balloon information can be found at the website of OEVSV: [Along with pictures taken at a height of 30km]
In Google English -

73 de William Leijenaar, PE1RAH

Austrian Radio Amateur Association OeVSV in Google English

New videos of a Cubesat linear transponder
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