[ANSOL-geral] The School of Rock(ing) EU Copyright

André Isidoro Fernandes Esteves aife netvisao.pt
Quinta-Feira, 3 de Setembro de 2015 - 00:39:44 WEST


For the first time in nearly a generation, the EU will update its 
copyright framework. This is a unique opportunity to reform and 
modernise Europe’s creaking, outdated, ill-adapted rules. Activists 
interested in taking up on this opportunity will get a crash course in 
effective copyright activism at a workshop in Warsaw on 5-6 November.

To help prepare activists for the challenge facing all of us, we are 
cooperating with Communia to organise an event and look for participants 
for this two-day EU copyright educational workshop – the School of 
Rock(ing) EU Copyright.

EDRi offers a stipendum of maximum 300 EUR to cover transport and 
accommodation costs for up to 20 participants of the School of Rock(ing) 
EU Copyright and the CopyCamp conference in Warsaw. Non-funded 
participants will also be welcome, of course.

The School of Rock(ing) EU Copyright will take place 5 and 6 November in 
Warsaw, following the CopyCamp 2015 event which will take place 4 November.

The goals of the School of Rock(ing) EU Copyright are to:

inform the participants on the current state of play of the EU copyright 
provide the tools that can be used to campaign on national level;
deepen the understanding of copyright activists of the EU legal and 
decision-making frameworks;
inform participants on how it is possible to influence decision-making 
in the EU;
identify possibilities for sharing of resources and talents such as 
translation and technical skills;
create networks (and develop existing ones) of civil society activists 
to work together on common goals to reform
copyright, in order to have a stronger voice and avoid duplicate efforts.
If you’re interested, please apply by sending an email to 
brussels  edri.org with the title “Application for The School of 
Rock(ing) EU Copyright” stating in no more than 200 words why you are 
interested in attending CopyCamp and the School of Rock(ing) EU 
Copyright, why you should be selected. We’re looking for people who have 
experience and/or plan to prepare campaigns on a national level, who can 
help building online campaigning tools, who have the ability to create 
networks with similar organisations on national and international levels 
and general knowledge of the main problems in the current EU copyright 
system. The deadline for sending the application is 6 September.

In short:
The School of Rock(ing) EU Copyright
Dates: 5-6 November 2015
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Deadline for application: 6 September
Where to send it: brussels  edri.org
Number of funded places: 20

Should you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at 
brussels  edri.org.

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