Re: [ANSOL-geral] Leitura interessante sobre a campanha de pressão da ACAPOR

Rui Cruz mail
Segunda-Feira, 5 de Novembro de 2012 - 22:48:48 WET

Gostei bastante de ler.

Alias, eu só tenho a dizer BEM da ACAPOR. Isto é, não é "bem", mas tenho
a dizer "melhorias".
Há 2 anos atrás a ACAPOR dizia que a Internet era o causador da quebra
de vendas dos videoclubes.
Há umas semanas na conferência cultura pirata onde por acaso o Rui
Seabra esteve (não me lembro se esteve até esta parte, eram para aí umas
19h30m ou assim) o Nuno Pereira já colocou as culpas no MEO e na ZON.

Vamos dar-lhe mais dois anos, ainda vai admitir finalmente que os
videoclubes já foram à vida.

A esperança é a última a morrer. *plim*

Rui Cruz | Webmaster | 968271502

On 05/11/12 19:58, Rui Maciel wrote:
> Dr. Strangelaw or: How Portugal Learned to Stop Worrying and Love P2P
> On January 5, 2011, representatives of ACAPOR (a Portuguese association
> representing commercial retailers of cultural and entertainment works),
> wearing t-shirts with the slogans “piracy is illegal” and “1000
> complaints per month”, filed a petition with the Prosecutor General’s
> Office (“PGO”) giving notice of the practice of 1000 acts of alleged
> usurpation of authors’ rights via peer-to-peer (“p2p”) networks by
> unknown individuals. Said petition was supplemented in April 2011, with
> notice of a further 1.000 acts.
> Following an Opinion by the PGO (“PGO Opinion”), the Department of
> Investigation and Penal Action (“DIAP”) of Lisbon decided not to file
> any criminal charges in relation to the notices; an integral copy of
> this decision was made available online by a main Portuguese newspaper
> on September 27, 2012 (“Decision”). The PGO Opinion has not been made
> available to the general public, but this blogger has been able to read it.
> Both the PGO Opinion and the Decision are significant insofar as they
> qualify all acts of download occurring in a p2p network using BitTorrent
> software as privileged under the private copying exception, raise the
> possibility that some acts of upload are covered by the same exception,
> seem to impose additional requirements for the criminalization of acts
> of upload within such networks, and state that IP addresses are
> insufficient as evidence to identify an alleged infringer. Furthermore,
> the PGO Opinion can be understood as setting forth the position of law
> enforcement authorities in Portugal for future similar cases of
> copyright infringement online, as well as regarding the scope of the
> private use exception.
> Artigo completo em:
> Rui Maciel
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