[ANSOL-geral] [Fwd: Re: EU Communication on the Management of Copyright and Related Rights]

Rui Miguel Seabra rms 1407.org
Quarta-Feira, 16 de Junho de 2004 - 14:05:27 WEST

Parece-me que é importante escrever uma posição da ANSOL sobre o DRM
para esta consulta pública da  Direcção Geral do Mercado Interno


-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: MJ Ray <mjr  dsl.pipex.com>
To: fsfe-uk  gnu.org
Cc: discussion  fsfeurope.org
Subject: Re: EU Communication on the Management of Copyright and Related
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2004 12:58:10 +0100

The consultation call is on 
and repeated for the UK at 
<URL:http://www.patent.gov.uk/copy/notices/2004/eurocomm.htm>. Replies 
need to be in by 21 June.

What are other EU-based free software groups saying about this? I'll 
copy this to a fsfeurope list. Please reply to -uk for UK specifics, 
or fsfeurope for other EU states.

So, thanks to John we have the two headline points:

1. DRM must not make interop illegal (is this mentioned in the 
"CEN/ISSS report on DRM standardisation and interoperability");

2. DRM must not override fair use/fair dealing provisions, or things 
like the disability discrimination act (need to check EUCD Art5(2)(b) 
about this).

What else do we need to address? Should we include positions on 
Community-wide licensing, harmonisation of individual rights or 
collective rights societies?

Need to check the references to directives 92/100/EEC and 2001/84/EC.

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