[ANSOL-geral]liberdade vs poder - afinal o consenso?

Matti Sarkisilta drifter arroba dri.pt
Wed, 9 Jan 2002 20:28:32 +0000 (WET)

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On Wed, 9 Jan 2002, Vasco Figueira wrote:
> > A tua visão é perfeitamente estática no tempo, ou seja, que o
> > software não-essencial é sempre não essencial. Infelizmente a história
> > da informática prova que isso não acontece. Pelo contrário, coisas não
> > essenciais costumam tornar-se essenciais ao longo do tempo, ou vais
> > tentar-me convencer que hoje em dia ainda aceitarias um sistema
> > operativo para desktop sem um interface gráfico ?
> Nao.

"Graphics are for people without vision."

   I especially dislike any os w/o an option to turn off the graphical
interface. I've had a situation where I was working with a MacOs webserver
and I broke the mouse (it had a sudden impact with a concrete wall) and
I lost the rest of the day looking for a USB mouse, since it was
impossible to use the machine.
   The thing is, what most people want, is usability. That does not
necessarily mean graphics. Let's say, I'm sending an (unencrypted) file to
someone. I'd do "cat filename > mail xxx arroba xxx.xx". Encrypting it would
require one more pipe and prompt for passwd. Now this is a reliable
and usable way to work, requires you to learn 2 standard unix commands,
and in most scenarios does exactly what you want.

   Just for curiosity, I'll give one link here:
   Yes, you could just take a photo, but the result would never be
appreciated the same way.

   Anyway this was allready off-topic ,)

   Shell never fails to obey. Humans fail to command.
// Matti Särkisilta - www.dri.pt/~drifter
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|| shift(@a);%a=@a;print "@a{1..4}";
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